Homeschooling/Teaching Resources
If homeschooling is the option you choose for your children, these resources will help you with teaching your children. Please send us other resources or recommendations you have.
Homeschooling – Academics
Age and Starting School
Traveling as a Family: The Ultimate Educational Family Field Trip
Assessment & Record Keeping
Teaching Math
Teaching Reading and Writing
Science & Social Studies Helps
Teaching Tips & Approaches
Study Skills
Homeschooling – Issues
These articles are about specific topics for homeschooling families.
Beyond the Textbooks, by Sharon Haag
Susan came into my office a couple months ago to talk about how to teach her four children (ages 6-11) during the second half of the school year. The family…
Classroom Culture Shock! by Sharon Haag
Has the time come for your homeschooled child to enter a classroom in a school for the next phase of their education? This article covers some of the areas that it would be helpful for parents to cover with their child in anticipation of the transition to a school.
Juggling Parent/Teacher Roles, by Pam Gentry
How do I juggle the roles of parent and teacher?
My Tyrant, the Planbook: One Mother’s Solution, by Diane Lilleberg
A teaching Mom once described nearly driving herself and her children crazy by being driven to adhere to…
Ringing without Bells: The Structures of Schooling, by Diane Lilleberg
This year you probably planned to dedicate the time you needed to be really ready for…
They Make It Sound So Easy! The Complexities of Homeschooling Overseas, by Diane Lilleberg
“They make it sound so easy, I don’t feel comfortable debriefing how hard it has been,”…
Twelve Ways to Prepare for Middle School, by Ko Spyksma
Making the Switch from Homeschooling to the Classroom…
What About Social Skills?, by Sharon Haag
Everyone agrees that having good social skills is important for doing well in adult life. But, how does the isolation of growing up without many cultural peers affect…
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