Teaching Tips & Approaches
Preschool Curriculum: Structure and Wonder, by Diane Lilleberg
A way to prepare your children for entry to kindergarten.
Project Approach to Learning, by Sharon Haag
Try It…You May Like It!! The Project Approach to Learning.
Project-Based versus More Structured Curriculum, by Jenny Giezendanner
How one family sought to balance their approach to homeschooling their children with a combination approach.
Tips for Project-Based Learning, by Jenny Giezendanner
Enrich your children’s learning through project-based learning and following these tips.
Teaching Tips
? ? ? Asking Questions that Promote Growth, by Elvin Klassen
Questions are a natural part of our conversations. They help us…
Beyond the Textbooks, by Sharon Haag
Sometimes the situation seems right for moving “beyond the textbooks” to more real-life, project-based learning.
Celebrating Milestones, by Sonia Dettweiler
Children need to share what they are learning, and your family needs to have celebrations or special times children can look…
Empty Praise or Constructive Feedback?, by Wayne Lance
Parents know the power of praise, but it can also become empty words and lose its effectiveness if overdone or done without sincerity. Thinking in terms of constructive feedback may help to avoid the pitfalls of empty praise.
Encouragement or Praise for Children?, by Elvin Klassen
Praise is an expression of worth, approval, or admiration. It is usually given to a child when…
Helping Students Take Personal Responsibility for Learning, by Sharon Haag
A short list of ideas that could help your students know themselves in order to maximize their learning opportunities, and be taught specific study skills which they lack.
Motivating Different Kinds of Kids, by Wayne Lance
Are you perplexed over an inability to motivate a particular child? Teachers and researchers are finding that matching instructional methods to a student’s learning style can make a positive difference.
Success or Survival in the Multigrade Classroom by Sandra Wright Smith is a four part series discussing how to teach multiple grade levels at the same time.
Success or Survival in the Multigrade Classroom: Part 1 — Crossing the Cultures
Success or Survival in the Multigrade Classroom: Part 2 — Laying the Foundation
Success or Survival in the Multigrade Classroom: Part 3 — Instructional Approaches
Success or Survival in the Multigrade Classroom: Part 4 — Planning a Multigrade Curriculum Design
Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, by Elvin Klassen
If we can develop ways to teach and learn by engaging all seven intelligences, we will increase the possibilities for students’ success.
What About Social Skills?, by Sharon Haag
Everyone agrees that having good social skills is important for doing well in adult life. But, how does the isolation of growing up without many cultural peers affect…
Using Books to Teach
Ed Emberley books, by Diane Lilleberg
Ed Emberley is a Caldecott Medal artist whose how-to books are the kind adults buy for children and then use themselves.
Flat Stanley, by Lynée Ward and others
Flat Stanley is a timeless children’s book. Young Stanley becomes a half inch thick after a bulletin board accidentally falls on him.
Helping Children Choose Books, by Wayne Lance
While choosing a book may seem a rather insignificant matter, it does provide children with the opportunity to…
Book Resources
102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum: Choosing the Right Curriculum and Approach for Your Child’s Learning Style by Cathy Duffy
The key to successful home education, is determining your educational philosophy and marrying it to your child’s learning style. Then you can make an informed decision in choosing the right educational curriculum for the child. In 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, homeschool guru Cathy Duffy can help you accomplish these critical tasks. Cathy will give you her top choices from every subject area, approaching everything through a biblical worldview perspective. This book is a critical volume for the homeschooling community.
Blueprints: A Guide for 16 Independent Study Projects by Dianne Draze
Now you can take the guesswork out of independent or assigned study projects. Blueprints provides complete step-by-step directions for 16 different projects.
Exploring the Multiage Classroom by Anne A. Bingham
A treasury of practical ideas for making the most of multi-grade situations.
What Your Child Needs to Know When by Robin Sampson
Concerned homeschooling parents are always asking “Am I doing enough?” This book answers this question and includes the checklists for academic evaluation for each grade K-8 and much more.
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