Teacher Resources
Integrations in the Classroom and Beyond by Susan Steele
How do we integrate our worldview into our teaching and encourage our students to think through these issues?
Culturally Responsive Teaching
The rich diversity of today’s society is clearly evident in many classrooms today. Schools and learning environments must work for all and must reflect the cultures of the communities they serve. Here are some resources to help teachers integrate into their teaching/curriculum the various cultures represented in their classroom.
How to Do It
Culturally Responsive Teaching – What is it?
Implications for the Classroom
Practical Helps for Teachers for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Resources for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Personal Experiences
East and West in the Classroom by Shannon Farlin
Integrating Student Cultures into Our Curriculum by Leanna Doran
Technology in the Classroom
How do you find resources? How do you use technology in the classroom? These are a couple of the topics covered.
Classroom Tech Tools
Apps that teachers encountered during the Covid19 pandemic that are worth using back in the classroom.
Integrating Technology into the Third Culture Classroom (TCC)
What are some apps that can help you teach, especially when resources might be limited?
Using Technology to Collect Classroom Resources
Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram…there are many sources for collecting teaching ideas. Google Drive, Evernote, OneNote…luckily there are also ways to store that collected information.
Media Literacy is 21st Century Literacy
How do we balance wanting our children to experience the fun of the digital world while being cautious of the potential dangers of too much exposure too soon?
Classroom Teacher Resources
Mentoring — Is it Possible Overseas? by Lynée Ward
Most of the teachers sent overseas are not first-year teachers. Global TCK Care & Education prefers they have at least…
Book Resources
The Cause of Christian Education by Richard Edlin New Addition
Written by the former Assistant Director of ACSI, this provides some excellent insights into the philosophy and practice of good education from a Christian perspective.
Walking with God in the Classroom (3rd Ed) by Harro van Brummelen New Addition
An overview of classroom teaching and learning, curriculum development and assessment and much more all from a Biblical perspective.
Online Teaching Resources
A global community dedicated to excellence in learning, teaching, and leading. The association provides expert and innovative solutions in professional development, capacity building, and educational leadership essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.
A comprehensive website and online community that increases knowledge, sharing, and adoption of what works in K-12 education. They emphasize core strategies: project-based learning, comprehensive assessment, integrated studies, social and emotional learning, educational leadership and teacher development, and technology integration. Check out Eighth Graders Writing a Novel?. Read more about their core concepts or see their list of all topics.
New Teacher Disillusionment Power Pack
This is a free one month email series to help the new teacher get through the hardest part of their first year.
Teaching Ideas
A UK resource with lots of worksheets, posters and some videos available for free use with teaching ideas. Also a part of this site is Teaching Packs with downloadable packs of quality teaching materials, including child-friendly eBooks, differentiated activity resources and classroom display materials covering a wide range of ages and topics. Cost to join Teaching Packs is £15 per year.
Varsity Tutors: Classroom Assessment Tools
Free web-based classroom assessment software to help you create practice tests and flashcards to help your students study.
We Are Teachers
An online community for educators K-12 committed to one of the toughest, most rewarding jobs out there. Their mission is to inspire teachers and help them succeed by sharing practical classroom ideas, the best freebies and giveaways, and teacher-to-teacher advice and humor. Examples:
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