Helping Students Take Personal Responsibility for Learning

By Sharon Haag1

As you’ve thought about your goals for this school year, is the above title one of them? If it is, and if you are wondering how to go about it, the following is just a short list of ideas that could help. Your students need to 1) know themselves in order to maximize their learning opportunities, and 2) be taught specific study skills which they lack.

Understanding What Helps Me Learn

What learning environment helps me concentrate best?

What modalities help me remember best?

What helps me understand?

Developing Specific Study Skills


Study Skills for Learning Disabled and Struggling Students: Grades 6-12, 4th ed. by Stephen S. Strichart
This book features 122 engaging and reproducible activities, each of which provides a unique opportunity for active learning and practice that encourages student success in the classroom. Teaching struggling and special needs students to use study skills and strategies effectively is a vital step in transforming these students into accomplished and independent learners — and this workbook offers a comprehensive and hands-on look at an array of time-tested approaches and innovative tactics for learning, retention, and analysis.

An included teachers’ guide provides teaching suggestions for using the activities, ideas for extending the activities, and an answer key for each activity, while a CD-ROM assessment tool allows teachers to evaluate students’ use of the skills covered in the book. This CD-ROM, which can be administered an unlimited number of times, is available from Mangrum-Strichart Learning Resources ( for both the Windows and Mac platforms.

The Way They Learn by Cynthia Tobias
The learning-styles expert gives parents a better understanding of the types of learning approaches that will help their children do better in school.

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