Twelve Ways to Prepare for Middle School
Twelve Ways to Prepare for Making the Switch from Homeschooling to the Classroom
Editor’s Note: These suggestions come from Ko Spyksma, a middle-school teacher.
Increase the school day if it is short.
Create structure and consistency in your school day.
Have your students write, write, and write some more—the greatest area of weakness for most. Grade 7 students will be expected to do three to five research papers.
Teach independent study skills—how to find information independently (not the same as “do my own thing”).
Please make sure the basic skills are mastered.
Require the best your child can do (most of the time).
Accept your own limitations and find other resources, people, and programs to assist you.
Teach with others so your child experiences different styles/ways of doing things.
Have FUN with your children!
Support the teacher, even if you would like him/her to do things differently. (Please go talk with the teacher if you have concerns.)
Teach your child to organize school tools, papers, and assignments for easy access.
Prepare children for taking different kinds of tests; teach them how to study.
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