Books on TCKs for Younger Children
For Ages 4-10
* limited availability
Alexander Who’s Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to Move by Judith Viorst
Alexander struggles with fact that his family is moving. Humorous account of working through his feelings until he finds himself packing.
Amber Brown is not a Crayon by Paula Danziger
A third grader struggles with the fact that her best friend since Kindergarten, Justin, is going to move away. Illustrates the difficulty but necessity of saying good-bye.
Chopsticks for my Noodle Soup by Susan E. Goodman
Five-year-old Eliza Doolittle from Connecticut learns about a very different kind of life when she spends a year in Malaysia with her scientist mother and photographer father. This is a photo essay of a TCK child’s experience of going to a new culture for the first time.
A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni
This small board book edition of the classic tale of self-acceptance and friendship will be a favorite for toddlers and parents alike.
A Country Far Away by Nigel Gray and Philippe Dupasquier
The book consists of illustrations with a sentence or two of text on each page contrasting ways of life in an African village and a British town. It could be a model for a child-made book about his own contrasting lifestyles.
Everybody Cooks Rice, by Norah Dooley and illustrated by Peter J. Thornton
A child is sent to find a younger brother at dinnertime and is introduced to a variety of cultures through encountering the many different ways rice is prepared at the different households visited.
Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport, by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
A child from New York City fears the worst when his family moves out west.
*Good-Bye, Saying Hello…: When Your Family Is Moving by Michaelene Mundy
This book will help children recognize the fun and excitement of a move, while recognizing the fears of new places and people, and the sadness of good-byes.
Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say
Through compelling reminiscences of his grandfather’s life in America and Japan, Allen Say delivers a poignant account of his family’s unique cross-cultural experience.
The Keeping Quilt by Patricia Polocco
This book reflects Patricia’s own story as the child of an immigrant Jewish family from Russia. The central character, Anna, arrives in the United States with few possessions. When she outgrows the dress that she wore on the trip over, Anna’s mother combines the fabric with fabric from other clothing to piece a quilt. That quilt is passed on to each generation in Anna’s family with the stories represented in each piece of clothing fabric.
Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni
A little blue spot and a little yellow spot are best friends, and when they hug each other they become green.
The Lotus Seed by Sherry Garland illustrated by Kinchi, Tatsuro
A young Vietnamese girl saves a lotus seed and carries it with her everywhere to remember a brave emperor and the homeland that she has to flee.
Marianthe’s Story: Painted Words and Spoken Memories by Aliki
Returning to her own childhood for inspiration, Aliki has created an exceptional sixty-four-page book that presents Marianthe’s story — her present and her past. In Painted Words, Marianthe’s paintings help her to become less of an outsider as she struggles to adjust to a new language and a new school.
My Family is Moving by Beverly Roman
A fun book featuring characters Oliver Owl and Tommy Turtle that guide children through an exciting moving adventure, both domestic and international.
Somewhere in Africa by Ingrid Mennen and Niki Daly and illustrated by Nicolas Maritz
Africa is a diverse continent. Frequently, only the exotic side of African life is presented in literature. This book fills the need for going beyond zebras, lions, and jungles to depicting everyday life in a very modern South African city. The central character, Ashraf, vicariously experiences the wild side of African children in other parts of the world through books in the library.
Stellaluna by Janell Cannon
A moving tale of a lost little bat who learns a big lesson about friendship.
Swirly by Sara Saunders
Lila isn’t just like her yellow friends or her blue cousins, so she feels as though she doesn’t fit in anywhere. But when she meets another swirly kid and his swirly mom, she finds out that she does belong somewhere… with a very special swirly Someone.
Tea with Milk by Allen Say
The story of Allen Say’s mother who was born to Japanese parents living in the United States. The family returned to Japan where May felt homesick and out-of-place, and where her parents tried to turn her into “a proper Japanese lady.” Her story captures the struggle between two cultures as May strives to find a life that fits her.
Up, Up, and Away by Brenda Maxfield
A guide for children who are moving from one culture to another. Explains the third culture id concept in children’s language. Includes activity sheets and encourages them to see the positive aspect of a mobile life. Available in electronic version only – Please contact them via the website linked to above for a complimentary PDF version. This link contains access to other books as well.
We Are Best Friends by Aliki
When his best friend Peter moves away, Robert has no one to play with, no one to fight with, and no fun at all. Then he meets Will – and finds he’s not the only one who needs a new best friend.
What You Know First by Patricia MacLachlan illustrated by Barry Moser
The illustrations are the only clue that this book about moving away from home is set in the U.S. Depression era. A young girl resists the move her family must make by plotting to live in the attic, certain that her parents will be comforted by the new baby who won’t know what it is missing in the move. The text evokes feelings of loss and fear inherent in transitions from a child’s perspective.
When Africa Was Home by Karen Williams
A preschooler’s perspective on reentry. Returning to New York when his father’s job finishes and he longs for the familiar ways of living in Africa. He articulates many of the things older children often feel but are unwilling to express.
Where in the World are You Going? by Judith Blohm
This activity-oriented book helps children work through the process of an international move. It includes not only discussion topics but practical activities the child can do with a parent or teacher.
Who Moved My Cheese? For Kids by Spencer Johnson and Christian Johnson
Young readers will enjoy following the story of the four little characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw, who make their way through a maze looking for the “Magical Cheese” that makes them happy. And once they find the Cheese, it seems like it will last forever-until one morning when everything changes. Who moved their Cheese? Will it come back? Or will they have to look for different Cheese, venturing onto strange paths, around corners they’ve never explored.
Books on TCKs for Children in Upper Elementary