Books on Helping Struggling Learners

Reach for the Moon by Samantha Abeel, illustrated by Charles R. Murphy
A collection of poems and short stories written when the author was 13 years old. The author is learning disabled and gifted.

How to Reach and Teach All Students in the Inclusive Classroom: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Lessons and Activities for Teaching Students with Diverse Learning Needs by Sandra F. Rief & Julie A. Heimburge
This thoroughly updated edition of the best-selling book gives all classroom teachers, special educators, and administrators an arsenal of adaptable and ready-to-use strategies, lessons, and activities.

The Way They Learn by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias
The learning-styles expert gives parents a better understanding of the types of learning approaches that will help their children do better in school.

Wonderfully Wired Brains: An Introduction to the World of Neurodiversity by Louise Gooding
Wonderfully Wired Brains teaches children aged 7-9 all about the awesome abilities that neurodiverse individuals have, introduces them to advocates who are challenging neurodiversity stereotypes, and most importantly gives them a safe space to feel accepted.  **For children


Adventures of Everyday Geniuses by Barbara Esham

The Coping Series by Jeanne Gehret