Evaluating a Learning Environment
(for both Traditional and Non-Traditional Settings)
Note to Parents - please modify these questions as needed for the preschool environment
These questions are for parents to ask and consider when enrolling their children in a particular learning environment. These questions are not made to endorse or reject local educational options. The purpose of these questions is to make sure that a family is making an informed choice and knows the strengths and weaknesses of these environments.
What is the school year?
What calendar year does the school follow - September- June or August to May, or Jan-Nov?
Thinking in advance about how this could impact furlough/home assignment dates is helpful especially if you anticipate using a learning environment for more than a year or two.
What curriculum and methodology are used?
How does this fit with your child’s legal nationality, learning style, and personality?
If this situation is not a good fit for meeting long-term educational goals, does it meet short-term goals (such as language-learning and relationship building in the culture/community) without causing undue stress on the child?
At what ages and for how long is it appropriate to leave a child in a less appropriate setting when considering long-term needs?
Will it transition well during moves?
If the curriculum is largely student-paced and independent learning, does the learning environment provide supplemental activities such as sports or group projects?
Is the learning environment open to part-time enrollment? If you anticipate being in a remote allocation for weeks at a time, would the learning environment be open to that?
Is the curriculum internet based? What internet filters are used on computers? Are there safeguards in place to protect the children?
What PE activities are included? Are children expected to change clothes for PE activities? Would your child and your culture be comfortable with these situations or can you opt-out of them?
Are the special needs of struggling learners addressed?
Does this environment provide services to my child struggling with a particular learning area?
Is there staff experienced in supporting struggling learners?
Does the curriculum provide support for struggling learners?
Is there a specialized diagnostic evaluation available?
How are teachers hired, screened, and utilized (i.e. student to staff ratio)?
What degrees or training is provided or required?
What accreditation is involved?
Do the teachers teach or are they more like tutors?
What is the staff to student ratio (classroom, playground, etc.)?
What is the language of instruction?
If the instruction is in English, what is the teacher’s level of English?
What is the language used at home by most students attending?
Is there a mix of heritage/mother tongue languages of students?
What is the worldview?
Does this fit with your values and beliefs?
Would your child be a target for bullying, conversion, or difficulty due to faith?
What are the facilities and supervision like?
Is the playground and equipment maintained?
Are children ever left unsupervised?
How many staff or aides are available?
Are parents welcome to stop by the learning environment during the school day unannounced?
Can parents volunteer?
Do the students leave the learning environment at any point in the day for outside activities?
What is the physical location of the learning environment? (i.e., where in the city, etc.)
What kind of transportation is available and what is the length of transport to and from schooling location?
What child safeguarding practices are in place?
How does the staff handle classroom management? Is corporal punishment acceptable?
Is there child safety training provided for teachers and staff?
Do schools address issues such as appropriate touching and pornography in a developmentally appropriate way?
In what way is the learning environment accredited?
Do the course offerings and curriculum meet similar requirements in your passport country or the country where your child will be for post-secondary education?
What achievement assessment would be beneficial and necessary for university or college entrance in your passport country and does the school provide this?
What kind of records or transcripts are available and maintained?