Living a Balanced Life — Search for Wholeness

by Susan Steele1

One of the hallmarks of a faith-based philosophy of education is educating the whole person. Education should impact all areas of students’ lives: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and cultural. How often do we think about those areas of our own lives? 

It has been my privilege to serve families in ministry through children’s education since 2000. During this time I have invested much of myself in the process of providing a quality, international, faith-based education to my students. At times, this has led to a lack of wholeness in my life as I have neglected my own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Over the past few years, I have been making changes in my life as a part of a journey towards balance and wholeness. Living a balanced life overseas in the faith-based community is not impossible, but it requires intentionality. 

Here are some things that I am implementing in my search for wholeness. 


Emotional/ Relational:


