Nontraditional Educational Programs Option

Many places where SIL families go to serve are not near a TCK school. To help families who are homeschooling, we support a variety of ways to meet academic needs. Global TCK Care & Education supports each type of program in a consultative capacity — we provide suggested policy guidelines to entities, consult regarding program development, recommend assessment procedures, and orient new personnel to work in nontraditional educational settings. Below are listed various resources to help you as you consider this option.


Educational Communities: Five Current Models
Families who are teaching their own children in isolated settings often want to work together in order to…

Reflections of a Homeschooled TCK
When I was six years old my family moved to a small town called Boundji in the Republic of Congo. There was no school there for me to go to, so…

Relationships with Tutors and Itinerant Teachers: Making It Work!
What issues make it hard for a tutor or itinerant teacher work? What can be done to make it more successful?

Tips for Families and Tutors
What do tutors need to know ahead of time? What issues need to be worked out between families and tutors? What are some suggestions for tutors and itinerant teachers?

On this page are some links to Curriculum Resources and other general websites helpful for homeschooling. Click on the title to get to the page.