Evaluating a Learning Environment

(for both Traditional and Non-Traditional Settings)

Note to Parents - please modify these questions as needed for the preschool environment

These questions are for parents to ask and consider when enrolling their children in a particular learning environment. These questions are not made to endorse or reject local educational options. The purpose of these questions is to make sure that a family is making an informed choice and knows the strengths and weaknesses of these environments. 

What is the school year?

What curriculum and methodology are used?

Are the special needs of struggling learners addressed?

Does this environment provide services to my child struggling with a particular learning area?

How are teachers hired, screened, and utilized (i.e. student to staff ratio)?  

What is the language of instruction?

What is the worldview?  

What are the facilities and supervision like?  

What child safeguarding practices are in place?

In what way is the learning environment accredited?